Friday, 5 January 2018

How To Create A Miniature Picture Using GIMP 2.8..

So ...this week I got an assignment where I have to create a photo of my own.I need to make me to be small in that photo..well..its not to easy ..but well we can try learn it from some tutorial in YouTube ,blogs and is the picture of me that sit on a white bear...maybe  I'm not to kind of creative but at least I try it by my picture..I have share some tutorial for those want to try this miniature picture.. i'm sure you gonna like it!!! Hopefully it will help you <3 Tq Sir Arizal for helping me doing this assignment :)

So..there are some steps. you installed GIMP on your computer, congratulations! GIMP is a very powerful image manipulation software, but don’t let that intimidate you. Even if you don’t have time to learn advanced computer graphics, GIMPcan still be a very useful and handy tool for quick image modifications.

It is my hope that these few examples will help to solve those small, quick modifications that you may need to apply to an image. Hopefully this will lead to learning even more powerful image editing capabilities that GIMP is capable of as well.For quick access, these are the four main points I’ll cover in this quick tutorial:

In keeping with the spirit of the predecessor to this page, I will be using images from the Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD), provided by NASA.All you need to know to follow these quick examples is to be able to find your image and open it:

TestView of the GIMP canvas, with information at the top of the window.Notice that the information at the top of the window shows the current pixel dimensions of the image (in this case, the pixel size is 1225×1280).To resize the image to new dimensions, we need only invoke the Scale Image dialog:
Once you are done scaling the image, don’t forget to export the changes you’ve made:
to export as a new filename, or:

Export Image Dialog

You can now enter a new name for your file here. If you include the filetype extension (in this case, .jpg), GIMP will automatically try to export in that file format for you. Here I am exporting the image as a JPEG file.
You can also navigate to a new location on your computer through the Places pane, if you need to export the file to a different location. When you are ready to export the image, just hit the Export button.
This will then bring up the Export Image as JPEG dialog, where you can change the quality of the export:

Export as JPG

From this dialog you can now change the quality of the export. If you also have the “Show preview in image window” option checked, the image on the canvas will update to reflect the quality value you input. This will also enable the “File size:” information to tell you what the resulting file size will be. (You may need to move some windows around to view the preview on the canvas in the background).
When you are happy with the results, hit the Export button to export.
To see more details about exporting different image formats, see Getting Images out of GIMP in the manual.

Crop an Image

There are numerous reasons you may want to crop an image. You may want to remove useless borders or information for aesthetic reasons, or you may want the focus of the final image to be of some particular detail for instance.
In a nutshell, cropping is just an operation to trim the image down to a smaller region than what you started with:

Original image (left), cropped image (right).

The procedure to crop an image is straightforward. You can either get to the Crop Tool through the tools palette:

Crop Tool
Crop Tool on the Tools Palette.

Or you can access the crop tool through the menus:
GIMP Crop Tool cursorOnce the tool is activated, you’ll notice that your mouse cursor on the canvas will change to indicate the Crop Tool is being used.
Now you can Left-Click anywhere on your image canvas, and drag the mouse to a new location to highlight an initial selection to crop. You don’t have to worry about being exact at this point, as you will be able to modify the final selection before actually cropping.

Crop First
Initial pass with the Crop Tool. Crop Tool options (left), cropping on the canvas (right).

After making the initial selection of a region to crop, you’ll find the selection still active. At this point hovering your mouse cursor over any of the four corners or sides of the selection will change the mouse cursor, and highlight that region.
This allows you to now fine-tune the selection for cropping. You can click and drag any side or corner to move that portion of the selection.
Once you are happy with the region to crop, you can just press the “Enter” key on your keyboard to commit the crop. If at any time you’d like to start over or decide not to crop at all, you can press the “Esc” key on your keyboard to back out of the operation.
See the documentation for more information on cropping in GIMP.

Another Method

Another way to crop an image is to make a selection first, using the Rectangle Select Tool:

Crop Select
Rectangle Select Tool.

Or through the menus:
You can then highlight a selection the same way as the Crop Tool, and adjust the selection as well. Once you have a selection you like, you can crop the image to fit that selection through:

Rotate and/or Flip an Image

There may be a time that you would need to rotate an image. For instance, you may have taken the image with your camera in a vertical orientation, and for some reason it wasn’t detected by GIMP as needing to be rotated (GIMP will normally figure this out for you, but not always).
There may also be a time that you’d like to flip an image as well. These commands are grouped together under the same menu item:

Flip an Image

If you want to flip your image, the Transform menu offers two options, Flip Horizontally, or Flip Vertically. This operation will mirror your image along the specified axis. For example, here are all of the flip operations shown in a single image:

All flips applied to base image (top left).

Rotate an Image

Image rotation from the Transform menu is contrained to either 90° clockwise/counter-clockwise, or 180°.
Don’t mis-interpret this to mean that GIMP cannot do arbitrary rotations (any angle). Arbitrary rotations are handled on a per-layer basis, while the image rotation described here is applicable to the entire image at once.

Rotating Sample
Original (top left), 90° clockwise (top right) 90° counter-clockwise (bottom left), 180° (bottom right)

In Conclusion

The simple examples shown here are just the tip of a really, really large iceberg. These are, however, common modifications that many people are often looking to make without having to learn too much about image processing. Hopefully they have been helpful.
I encourage you to peruse the other tutorials for more advanced methods of image processing as well!
The original tutorial this was adapted from can be found here.

If you need more can search at this blog

Wednesday, 18 October 2017


                                      Sepupu sepupu kesygn <3 

Monday, 16 October 2017

                 Penghibur duka lara sye >_< hahah 
BAHAN-BAHAN:Beberapa keping dada ayam (apa-apa pun bolehlah) 
Lada Sulah 

Kepingan dada ayam atau ayam itu di ketuk dahulu agar nipis sikit dan jadi leper. 
Kita ketuk aje dgn anak lesung batu tindih dgn plastik...dah. 
Lepas tu gaulkan lada sulah dan garam secukupnya. 
Perapkan lebih kurang 1 jam. 
Lepas tu bakarlah ayam ini atas kuali pembakar...siap. 

Kita makan dengan sauce lada hitam yang dalam botol tu biasa kita beli Life punya.hari tu hubby beli cap Puteri...tak berapa sedap...kena modified sikit. Tapi Kalau beli " Life 
brand Maggi tu tak yah modified pun cuma panaskan dlam periuk aje...kalau suka letak sauce tomato sikit dah siap. Terus tuang atas ayam tu..

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Ayam goreng ala2 kfc

3 sudu mkn serbuk kurma
4 sudu makan serbuk cili
3 sudu mkn serbuk kari
1 sudu serbuk lada putih
1/2 sudu mkn jintan (tmbah halia n serai yg dikisar halus)
2 bj telur
tepung jgung

* semua bhn disatukan kecuali telur n tpung jgung. 
setelah tu gaul sebati ngan ayam. Dlm mangkuk 
asing pecahkan telur n pukul smpai kembang 
pastu tuang telur tu ke dlam bekas ayam..n 
gaul sebati. Perap lebih kurang 2 jam la klu nk
 rasa yg memuaskan....nak cepat...Akhir sekali 
time nak goreng tu salut ngan tepung jgung.

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Sunday, 15 October 2017

Resipi Popiah Goreng Sedap
Resipi Popiah Goreng Sedap

special bgi penggemar popia :p 


Ramuan utama:
24 helai kulit popiah
¼ cawan tepung biasa

Untuk inti:
2 sudu besar minyak masak
5 ulas bawang putih
1 biji lobak merah saiz sederhana
2 biji sengkuang kecil
12 putus kacang hijau
300g kobis
10g tang hoon
1 sudu besar sos kicap soya
1 sudu teh gula
½ sudu teh serbuk lada putih

1. Panaskan minyak di dalam kuali dan gorengkan bawang putih sehingga naik bau sebelum menambahkan lobak merah dan sengkuang. Goreng selama 8-10 minit sehingga layu kemudian masukkan kacang hijau dan kobis. Goreng selama 5-10 minit lagi sebelum menambahkan tang hoon dan perisa selebihnya. Goreng sehingga kelembapan tidak lagi kelihatan. Tambahkan perisa sekiranya diperlukan. Pindahkan ke atas piring besar ataupun bekas supaya ia disejukkan.
2. Gunakan sudu dan sendukkan dua sudu inti yang tidak lagi panas ke atas tengah-tengah kulit popiah dan gulungkannya dengan ketat. Lekatkan hujung kulit popiah dengan sebatian yang diperbuat daripada tepung dan air yang sudah dicampur bersama.
3. Panaskan minyak dengan api rendah – setinggi 4cm di atas kuali. Gorengkan popiah dengan perlahan-lahan sehingga warnanya bertukar menjadi perang. Keluarkannya dari kuali dan masukkannya ke dalam bakul dawai. Hidang bersama sos cili manis.

cc by*aid-208d3101/

Pizza roti Gardenia 

Jummm tryy !! simple tapi sdp :D

  • Bahan-bahannya:

    Roti Gardenia
    Sosej dicelur
    Cendawan dipotong kecil dan celur
    Sos spagetti (jika tiada, sos cili biasa pun boleh)
    Bawang Merah potong halus
    Cili besar potong halus
    Daun parsley
    Minyak zaitun

    Cara-cara membuatnya:

    Sapu roti dengan sos spagetti atau sos cili, kemudian letak semua bahan-bahan yang telah dipotong tadi, ikutlah susun ikut mana pun sukahati. Setelah sesuai disusun semuanya, barulah letakkan keju diatas dan bakar dalam oven atau kuali dengan api sederhana.

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How To Create A Miniature Picture Using GIMP 2.8.. So ...this week I got an assignment where I have to create a photo of my own.I ...